Sunday, March 24, 2013

Bits and pieces.

So, here i am back again. Writing on my fairly new blog which is barely a week's old and without a blog template.

Well, for starters, i'm trying to make a blog template for me blog which is named pixie-l. Why did i name my blog pixie-l? Actually i want to have a blog with cute little pixel people as designs hence the name. But, typing just pixel as my blog name is quite boring. Thus, i was thinking maybe i could incorporate some other name inside this 'pixel'. Pixel... hmm... pixie, pixel. Hey! Why not type pixie and pixel together? So, the blog name. 
When i thought about pixies, i straight away thought about tinkerbell and peter pan. :) Who doesn't know about peter pan and that cute little tinkerbell? So, i probably might design some pixie for my blog. *laughs.

Design. Yeap. You read that right. I'm trying to draw a pixie for my blog. :) That's why i'm trying to learn some pixel art now. I don't really know when i'll be really starting on it but i soon hope i get it up before i start my poly year 1.

 For those who are not from Singapore, we singaporeans go through a very different education road. After we graduate from secondary school when we are 16, we can choose two very different paths. Either we enroll in a Junior College, which takes two years and is just like normal studies where you do loads of memorising and studying. OR We can choose to go in a Polytechnic, which offers courses instead of subjects for learning. It's like learning something specifically for a job. A specialization. But this road of education takes roughly 3 years to complete. 

I really hope my blog designing will go well! I really look forward to watching my blog become real cute. :) 
Talking about pixel art, I really recommend Kawaii Hannah which has super adorable tutorials to draw sprites!

:) Smiles.

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